Thursday, 29 August 2013
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Horse Riding
On friday after the movies my mum brother and i went horse riding it was the best experience ever.We went to Briars horse treks. We first had to sign a sheet saying that if we died or got injured it would not be their problem. Then we got placed with our horses, my horses name was Billy and my brothers was called Sally then there was my Mums horse Bessie. Our horse trek was an hour and a half through bushes and through forests.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
What a great day!!!!
After a while of sitting inside after our bike ride I went out side to play on my swing and practise netball. For net ball I practised my shooting and also my bounce pases and chest pases, because I had no body to pass to I used a wall wich is a good idea. But before I could ball net ball I had to move a whole of tree branches because they were in the way of the hoop. Then I went to swing on my swing for a little bit but after a while it was getting cold again so i went inside to play on my laptop.
I played the worlds hardest game, I was also listening to music when I was playing it.
So with a bike ride in the morning and going to a cafe then practising netball and playing on my computer and the swing it was again another great day and I cant wait to see what we have planed for tomorrow!!!
This is me shooting a goal...
Bouncing the ball...
Playing the worlds hardest game...
Level one...
Biking with my family and friends!!!
It was a windy but sunny Sunday morning and our family decided to go on a bike ride around the daisy hard wick. We started by riding to the beginning, we were biking with some of our friends so we meet them at the start. It was so cold and the wind was pushing as back as we biked so that meant that we had to bike hard. It was an easy and fun ride and was a great way to keep my fitness up as well as having fun with the family, even though my eyes were watering because it was so windy I really enjoyed it!
At the end of a nice bike ride we went to a cafe to get a hot chocolate and something to eat. We then went home to get cozy and warm. While we were biking our friends had a dog named Mac (he is a chocolate Lab) and he kept up with me while I was biking but at the end he was exhausted, we all where. This was another great day of the holidays!!!
It was a windy but sunny Sunday morning and our family decided to go on a bike ride around the daisy hard wick. We started by riding to the beginning, we were biking with some of our friends so we meet them at the start. It was so cold and the wind was pushing as back as we biked so that meant that we had to bike hard. It was an easy and fun ride and was a great way to keep my fitness up as well as having fun with the family, even though my eyes were watering because it was so windy I really enjoyed it!
At the end of a nice bike ride we went to a cafe to get a hot chocolate and something to eat. We then went home to get cozy and warm. While we were biking our friends had a dog named Mac (he is a chocolate Lab) and he kept up with me while I was biking but at the end he was exhausted, we all where. This was another great day of the holidays!!!
This is Mac ....
This is the bike I was riding...
This my family and I...
Friday, 12 July 2013
The fist day of the holidays!!!
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On the first day of the holidays I went to my net ball game and we lost by 1 point to the A grade. After my net ball game my family and I went to Bay Fair to the new self severe frozen yoghurt place called Kiwi Yo. It is a bit like Sub Zero at the mount but better. I decided to get mongo sorbet and Hawaiian pineapple frozen yoghurt. I added sherbet, marshmallows, chocolate buttons, nerds, runts, liquorice, strawberry sauce, chocolate brownie, chocolate sprinkles nd 100s and 100s. Then at 2.00 the Edge was hosting a live show and Titanium was coming to perform for the grand opening for Kiwi Yo. They sang three songs and the songs the sang were: Come on home, Sky and tatto. It was AMAZING to watch them sing live for FREE!!! Plus I got to be at the front which was good because there were so many people there wanting to see them. Once they finished singing they were doing autographs I got all of their signatures on a piece of paper. I really wanted to get a group photo with them but it was to busy and we had to keep moving. But I did get some photos and videos of them singing so here are the photos I took. This was a great way to start the holidays and I loved watching them sing!!!!
Thursday, 11 July 2013
I got an AWARD YAY!!!
Each week Mr Mossop hands out an award from the principle and out of every body in the class I was the one who got the award. I got the award for a great learning journal!!!
It was the last day of school YAY and we all had to bring shared lunch. I decided to bring CAKE POPS. I spent the whole of thursday night making and baking them, they took a lot of hard work.
In the end they were delicious. I added chocolate frosting and sprinkles to them to make them look appealing!!!Food TECH!!!
For the past week our house has been doing technology and my group is in food tech.
Each day we have had to make healthy and appealing food for the wilderness, and we have had to work in pairs.My partner is Zahra.
We got to make jam tarts and they were delicious, and to meet the criteria they had to be golden brown tasty and well shaped. Zahra and I think that we meet the criteria and they were very tasty!!!
We made cheese straws we had to put mustard powder, curry and paprika powder in there to, to give it flavour. Plus we added poppy seeds and onion soup. Zahra and I loved the cheese straws YUM YUM!
Banana chocolate muffins where what we made and they were the best things that we got to make, ours were nice and fluffy and the chocolate chips melted in your mouth they were so good.
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Out team has officaly been graded and so has every other team, but we got moved up to B grade. We now sit 4th on the table for B which is really good.Our team has worked hard to move up a grade and all of the training really pays off. Our netball team cant wait to see where we all get placed in the future.
And playing netball is such a fun game to play on a Saturday and I love the team effort and spirt, I am grateful to have such AMAZING girls on my team!!!
Home work task complete a 10x10 grid
On Thursday after school I decided that I would do a home work task and the one that I thought i should do was complete a 10x10 math grid under 2 minutes. The process I had to go before hand was having to rule up the grid and the get my mum to draw the numbers up and down the columns up to 10, but in a random order.I then set my timer and off I went scribbling numbers here, there and everywhere.
I then eventually completed the task under 2 minutes with a time of 1:45. I was so proud of my self for meeting the requirements. My mum then marked it off and the answers were all correct!!!
This is what the grid looked like ruled up...
This is the final product with all of my answers filled in...
This is me filling in the answers...
I am just finishing off the last question...
Thursday, 4 July 2013
A most triumphant tale
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Yesterday I went to bay court for the schools production "A most triumphant tale".
It was amazing watching everybody sing, act and dance.I loved watching it and would love to see it again.
Monday, 1 July 2013
my weekend
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On the weekend I went to Hamilton for my Uncles and granddads birthday.On the Friday after school we left home to go to Hamilton on a 2hr trip.
My family and I got my Uncle a box of favourites and a Chiefs beanie and for my Granddad we also got him a box of favourites and an All Blacks scarf.
For their birthdays we went out to Foundation for dinner at the Base.I ordered fish it was so yum.
On the Saturday we went out to a cafe for a drink, we then went out to mini put.After that we went to the park next to the mini put course.The park was so cool it had a big hamster wheel and a flying fox plus many other awesome things. On the Sunday we woke up and went to my Granddads for brunch it was so GOOD we had french toast and bacon plus banana!!!
Then after a great weekend in Hamilton we went home to get ready for school the next day :) :P
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
These are some photos from the time we went to waimarino
Sophia L is the one on the Tarzan swing.
Going to waimarino was such fun and I wish we could go again.
Friday, 14 June 2013
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For my sport I have done swimming for an entire season well actually I have been swimming since I was 4 and I am still swimming now at the age of 12.I swim competitively with my swim club.
I really enjoy swimming and it is also a good sport to keep up my fitness.
I swim 3-5 days a week if I dont have anything on.
I also do netball and I have been doing that for 4 years.When I tried out for the netball team I got into to the C grade which is the top.Netball is such a great sport and a great team sport it is so much fun.
With all of these sports I played volley ball for 3 years.When I entered volley ball at this school I decided to do kiwi because it was on a thursday which was good.My team was great and we all had so much fun and enjoyed playing together as a team.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
My favourite pet in the world!!!!
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She was $40 my brother and I paid $20 each.In the ride home in the car she was scratching and growling in the box she was in.When we got her home she went made running up and down the walls not literally.She clawed the leather seats and couches but when my brother made a cat scratching pole she fall in love with it and stop scratching the seats which was good for my mum and dad because they hated her scratching the leather.Now today she loves living with us and we love having her in our family,she is such a joy!!!

Monday, 10 June 2013
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On thursday 13th June I made dinner for my home work task which was create a 3 course meal.
Before I had even started cooking my mum and I had to go to the super market to get s few ingredients.
For my dinner I made garlic bread and crumbed prawns for the entree, for the main I made chicken kebabs,backed potato with sour cream on top and carrots.For dessert I mad banana split with ice cream,chocolate whipped cream and sprinkles.
Mum 9/10= Very tasty but needed more garlic butter on the garlic bread.
Dad 8/10= It was great
Blake8/10=Garlic bread too hard needed different bread.
Main:Mum:8/10= Very tasty but chicken over cooked :o
Dad:7/10= Great flavours in every thing but chicken a bit to dry.
Blake:7/10= Chicken a bit dry but over tast good
Mum:8/10 = Presented nicely and very tasty
Dad:7/10= Simple but tasty!
Blake:6/10=Yummy was great!!!
Preparing the potatoes to go into the oven.
cutting up the bread for the garlic bread.
Buttering the garlic bread.
The garlic bread in buttered and ready to go into the oven

Slicing and dicing the chicken for the kebabs
Sticking the scewers through the chicken.
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