Thursday, 29 May 2014

Dialogue between two thief's

Renee: Soph we need to do this quickly and quietly so we can get out of her and back home, and dont be dull

Yeah, so you think we should go for that Nissan Skyline?

Renee: Uhh dahh do you know how much security it will have

Sophia: Um I'm dumb of course I do but it looks nice through right? 

Renee: Not dumb? haha your funny so how about that Masda Premises 

Sophia: Lets just get on on it and thats a nanas car theres no way Im stealing that piece of junk

Renee: I don't want it either but its easy to steal and we will have it only for a bit and then well dump it 

Sophia: Fine I guess 

Renee: K get the hot wire and get started up 

Sophia: OWWW i burnt my self 

Renee:  On what, could you get any dumber 

Sophia: Yea Probably  

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

NZ statistics

Find a NZ statistic on each of the following:

- obesity :  68% of Pacific adults were obese 

- smoking : Around 5,000 people die each year in New Zealand because of smoking or second-hand smoke exposure. That’s 13 people a day.

- cancer : 67 thousand people die each year of skin cancer

- exercise : Only one in three children are physically active every day. 

- languages : 95.9% speak english in New Zealand

- sport : 98% of people or 2.67 million people enjoy sport in New Zealand

- computers : 37% of New Zealand house holds had access to the internet and 96% had access to a phone

- education : Out of 142 countries rates New Zealand No. 1 in the world education

- earthquakes : NZ has had 19, 834 earthquakes 4.9 - 4.9 magnitude since 1960

- weather : Mean annual temperatures range from 10°C in the south to 16°C in the north of New Zealand. 

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Investigation & How to video

Here is shows that more people like swimming than running.
3 more people like swimming than running.
Over half of the people like swimming.

Here is my graph showing the results . . . ..

Here is my video ...

Winter acrostic poem

Winter frosts
Ice hockey 
Nice warming fires
Turtele neck sweaters 
Earmuffs and beanies 

Reindeers and sleighs christmas is coming 

Inside with blankets 
Snow angles outside 

Hot chocolate
Eating heartwarming soup
Running through the snow
Everlasting love

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage is the name of Miss Campbell's eye problem this is what it looks likes .... 

Miss Campbell's conversation with the doctor:

Doctor: Good Morning Wendy.

Miss C: Good Morning Dr Mike.

Doctor: So what is the problem we have here?

Miss C:  Well theres something wrong with my eye and im not sure what it is.

Doctor: I can definatly say that you have a bursted blood vessel in your eye which is called Subconjunctival Hemorrhage . Has it caused you any problems?

Miss C: Um no it hasn't but what i would like to know is when will it clear up.

Doctor: These things usually clear up within one to three weeks.

Miss C: Thats great then, so what was the cause of this happening?

Doctor: It all happens because the blood vessels in your eyes are fragile, and their walls can easily break.

Miss C: Is there anything I need to be careful of from now on?

Doctor: No you can live life just the way you did before and get on with your every day things.

Miss C: Ok thanks Dr Mike you have helped a lot, and if it gets worse should I come back?

Doctor: If you think it is getting worse you are most welcome to come back to see me but for today you can just leave it and it will be fine.

Miss C: Okay bye. 

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Mode, Median, Mean & Range

Mode, Median, Mean & Range

Mode, Median, Mean and Range
Mode, Median, Mean and Range

Don't you think these words sound strange?
Don't you think these words sound strange?

I will get your mind to change

Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, Mode
Is the number that occurs occurs the most most
Singing Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, Mode

Is the number that occurs occurs the most most
You got 1,2,2,3,3,3,4   1,2,2,3,3,3,4, 

which of those numbers did I say more?
which of those numbers did I say more? 

3 is the mode cause it occurs the most

Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, Mode
Is the number that occurs occurs the most most

Singing Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, Mode
Is the number that occurs occurs the most most

You got 1,2,2,3,3,3,4  1,2,2,3,3,3,4, 

which of those numbers did I say more?
which of those numbers did I say more? 

3 is the mode cause it occurs the most

Now stop, lets take it to the middle.

Got to find the median no time to daddle diddle

Line up all the numbers from the smallest to the big 

and the ones thats in the middle does a media shake
Go median, middle number, go median, middle number

Now the third ones mean, not nice but mean
Its the average number if you know what I mean
Just add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of added

Whats that, whats mean?
You add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of added
Yeah you know what I mean

You add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of added
It's the average number, mean, its the average number
1 more round and the song is done

Lets talk about range and have some fun
It's the biggest number minus the smallest number, in the group, in the group
It's the biggest number minus the smallest number , in the group, in the group

You got Mode, Median, Mean and Range
Mode, Median, Mean and Range

Don't you think these words sound strange?
Don't you think these words sound strange?

I just got your mind to change

Identical twins, a party invitation, and a locked closet.

Identical twins, a party invitation, and a locked closet.

"Ding Dong" the door bell rings, Olivia walks out side and no one is there she looks around  and theres nothing then she looks down and there by her feet is an envelope labeled “Olivia”. 

She walks back inside slowly opening the envelope wondering who it is from and what it is for, her mind is going crazy. As the seal of it separates she starts to read ...

“ Dear Olivia you are invited to the annual ball next saturday” She then stops and starts to wonder what she is going to wear if she should wear. 

She continues reading and her heart starts pounding wanting to know who this is from, her eyes then scroll to the bottom of the page and it is blank its got no signature nothing not even “xoxo”.

She then carries on with the rest of her week not even thinking about the ball but then it came to saturday, she went looking for her card and it was gone she asked her identical twin Libby if she had it and what do you know she did. Libby was prepared and ready for the ball but Olivia put up a fight and even put Libby in the closet under the stairs so she couldnt go to the ball and Olivia could go alone. 

The next day Olivia went to look for Libby and she was dead, she had been in the closet soo long she died of oxygen. 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Cup telephones

Materials needed: 
2 Paper cups
10m String
2 Match sticks 
A partner &
A pencil

Step 1: Uses a sharp pencil to make a small hole in the bottom of each cup.
Step 2: Thread the end of the string through the each of the holes and tie each end of the sting around the match sticks inside of the cup, you do this so the sting does not pull back through the hole.
Step 3: Get your partner to hold one of the cups and u hold the other cup then slowly move apart so the string pulls tight.
Step 4: Hold your cup to your ear and then get your partner to talk into the cup, listen quietly to the sound of their voice.
Step 5: Continue doing this and reversing roles observe what happens  

Here are the official instructions:

Mary Anning Q&A


A: She was a british fossil collector 
Q: What was Mary Anning?

A: 9 March 1847
Q: When did Mary Anning die?

A: Because of a landslide
Q: How did Mary nearly loose her life? 

A: Breast cancer 
Q: What was Mary's cause of death?

A: St. Michael's Church,
Q: Where was Mary's resting place? 

A: Joseph Anning 
Q: What is the name of Mary's brother?

A: Lyme Regis in Dorset, England
Q: Where did Mary live?

A: 10 children
Q: How many children did Mary have?

A: 1749
Q: What year did Mary have her first child?

A: Her clothes caught fire 
Q: How did the eldest child die when she was the age of four?

Monday, 19 May 2014


You may see this game kinda like google maps. But firstly you will get given a destination which you can scroll around looking for clues, a great idea is to look at any signs and see if it is in another language, or it could even just say on the sign where you might be. Then once you think you have figured out where the destination might be one the right hand side it will give you a mini map and you can click any where on it. E.G. if you thought you might be in Asia you would click on the mini map on where about's it would be closest in Asia. It would then say how far or close you would to the destination. You will get 5 rounds and on each round it will tell you how many points you have once you have done it will say game finished and show all of your guess on where you thought each rounds destination is. This is a great game and it is great to get your minds thinking.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Wild boy walker

Most of you all know the wild boy walker " Brando Yelavich" and his crazy adventure that he has taken to walk around the coastline of New Zealand. You may think he is crazy but he is doing this to raise money for the Ronald McDonald house and to make a new start to life by getting away from any distractions. 
1 year and 144 days into the trip he has travelled by foot and by boat. So far he has accomplished walking from the top of Cape Reinga and making his way down to Bluff. He is now on his way back up to the top and that could take him another 4 to 6 months. 

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Google person of the day

A: Maria Gaetana Agnesi
Q: What is the google person of the days name?

A:An Italian mathematician 
Q: What was Maria Gaetana Agnesi?

Q:What age did Maria Gaetana Agnesi die?

A:GreekHebrewSpanishGerman, and Latin
Q: What languages did Maria learn at age 11 

A: 23 
Q: How many brothers and sisters did Maria have?

A: Age 12
Q: At what age did Maria suffer a mysterious illness? 

A: Twice
Q: How many times did Maria's father remarry after her mothers death?

A: 16 May 1718
Q: When was Maria born?

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Monty Hall Method

The photo above shows that when Marieka swapped her answer she got more correct than when she didn't.

The Monty Hall Method is a test to do with probability. When I tried this method, I found that my Marieka got more correct when she swapped her answer, exactly what the Monty Hall Method stated. 

The Monty Hall Method --- link

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

African bird Q&A

A. Stellar
Q: What reputation has the fork tail drongo gained? 

A. 25%
Q:How many percent of the time,does the fork tail drongo steal food?

A. 50
Q: How many warning calls did the researches perfectly imitate? 

A. Shaped like a fork
Q: What is the fork tailed drongo shaped like?
A. Mimicry
Q: What did the fork - tailed drongos master?

A. To obtain another animal’s food
Q: Why does the Fork Tailed Drongo mimic other birds warning 

A. The animal with food hears an alarm call from its friends, drops the food and runs.
Q:What happens when a bird hears an alarm call?

A. Ruse
Q: The definition of the answer is to, trick, stratagem or to artifice.

A. pied babblers, sociable weavers and even mammals like meerkats!
Q: Name three of the 50 desserts dwellers that were imitated by researchers

A. hawks and eagles
Q: What birds normally get's threatened?

Monday, 12 May 2014

Kia Kaha stereotype diagram

Real men….. are strong
Females…. should be in the kitchen
Indian people… Work in dairies
Asian people… Are really smart
Maori people… Are black

Stereotyping is a good thing because it assists psychologists in understanding different groups of people by grouping their common traits.

Assuming a group of students are smart will push them to study harder to prove their hypothesis.

Judging people by there raise
Saying things that are necessarily true 

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Kia Kaha revision

What are the characteristics of a bully?
Deliberate, hurtful behaviour.
Those who bully have, and exercise power inappropriately over others.
Power over control
Pore concertation
Weak in academics
Look tough and strong but weak inside
Big mouthed 

What are the characteristics of a victim?
Low self esteem
Often do not have a single good friend and relate better to adults than their peers.

About 30 rimu students get cyber bullied 
About 50% of year sevens get bullied out of 120 

The wiki game

Ok so the wiki games works by firstly giving you a word to look for on the wiki pages, and the aim of the game is to click on the quickest possible links that you think will lead you to the word you are looking for. If you have won on the left hand side it will show you all the other people that have won too and if you are one of the winners you can view their pathways that they took to find the word. Once you have finished the level you get given another word to find on wiki pages.
E.g. If the word was Japan you would click on the links which are highlighted blue, that you think will be the quickest way to find you goal. If you want to find the word quickly find words which relate to the word Japan for the  easiest pathway.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Estuary run

So you will need to be wearing shoes for the event and have your P.E gear on.

Step 1: Firstly you will run down the dive way and out the gates, you will then turn right and cross the crossing but watch out for cars.

Step 2: Run along the foot path and there will be road bumps on the way you need to watch out for the second to last road bump because you will turn left and cross the road.
Step 3: Run down the big hill until you make it down past 3 turn offs, the third turn off you will turn left again and take you to a little bridge were you will cross.

Step 4: Keep running through the bush and there you will turn right out of the bush and onto the estuary, for the rest of the way it is quite simple you just keep following the track.

Step 5: Lastly when you are at the end there will be a big hill and you will run up and run back along the foot path and back into school and down the drive way onto the bleachers.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Click cards

Click cards is a system which each class in school runs. There are 40 clicks on each card and you can get one click each day for good behaviour. Therefore if you have you have your name on the board with a cross next to it you do not get a click that day and if your absent you also don't get a click. If you get 40 clicks you get a Rimu bracelet which you can wear for the rest of the year, and if you manage to complete 3 cards which means you got 120 clicks you get a stars badge. But if you are seen with another house badge you will get yours taken off of you forever and you will not get it back. Relievers can also give you clicks if you are good. There are also stars cards which will be received at each house Hui and to people with will given vouchers, and at the end of each term Miss Coville with draw out 1 person for each house and they will get a stars jumper. You can also possibly get 4 bands if you get a tick every day for four terms.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Match up quiz

1.Impossiblea. I will eat tomorrow after school.
2.unlikelyb. Unicorns in my backyard.
3.even chancec. I am going to talk to my cat tomorrow.
4.likelyd.  I will have a shower tonight.
5.certaine.  If I flip a coin will I get heads or tails ?


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Holiday Q&A

A: May 5th . . . .  
Q: When is my birthday is?
A: Duck down the witch is coming  . . .  
Q: What game did we play at my party?
A: Zahra's . . . 
Q:Who house did I go to on Thursday? x
A: (Zahra) . . . 
Q:Who came to mine on Wednesday? x
A: 13
Q:What age did I turn this year 
A: Bayfair
Q: Where did all of us friends have a get together? x
A: Noah, Campbell, Mackenzie, Sophia, Trent and I 
Q: Who came with us to Bay Fair? x
A: Bk 
Q: Where did we walk to on my birthday? x
A: Gobstoppers 
Q: What did everyone buy from candy planet? x
A: Money 
Q: What was the most common thing I got given on my birthday ?√ 
