When is election day?
Saturday 20th September
What hours can you vote on election day?
You can vote between 9:00am & 7:00 on election day
What date does this year’s election officially end?
4th of october
Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.
Hoardings - When in the election you need a large board in a public place, used to display advertisements. And the signs around town must be taken down by midnight before election day.
Sign-written vehicles - You cant have anything around your car that has to do with the election.
Fixed signage on party headquarters and MP’s electorate offices - When in the election you need fixed signage containing a statement, party name, logo, slogan or emblem on party headquarters may remain on view on election day.
Delivery of election material prohibited - No letters in mails boxes sent on election day
Websites and social media - Keep what you had posted before election day, but no posts on election day
Processions and demonstrations - You are not aloud to protest a party before 7pm , you can’t use a loudhailer
Streamers, rosettes, ribbons etc
Can wear but can’t say the party name, logo
Clothing promoting the party or candidate
No tshirts, can wear party colours
Imitation ballot papers
You can't hand out cards that look like ballot cards
At the voting place
MPV can vote for them self and only aloud to cast their own vote not annoy people