Read this play script of a scene from Jack and Jill based on the nursery rhyme.
Write a scene for a playscript for a later scene in Jack and Jill, or for another nursery rhyme.
Make sure you lay out your play script correctly with:
Cast list
Scene number
Stage directions in brackets e.g. (Jack and Jill are walking along lane holding empty pails or buckets)
Character names at the beginning of each line with a colon: and a tab space
Jill: Umm well actually you do, if you didn't who would get you home?
Jack: Ohhh right, thats a good point.
Jill: Yess, yess it is, okay so lets get a move on.
(Jack jumps on Jill's back and they slowly make it home )
Jill: MUUUUMM!!!
(Jill leaves Jack on the field racing home to get mum )
Mum: What wrong?
Jill: It's Jack, just come look.
Mum: Ohh gosh! What happened.
Jill: No questions till later, lets just call a doctor!
( Mum pulls out her phone and calls 9111 )
Ambulance: What's the emergency?
Mum: I have a son thats head is severely bleeding, and we need help, NOW!
Ambulance: Were on our way!
( Sirens in the distance get closer and closer )
Ambulance: We need to get you to hospital now!
Mum: You going to make it Jack, just hang in there.
( Ambulance strap Jake in and make there way to the hospital )