These are my ten chosen homework tasks...
1.Participate in the 20 Hour famine. Raise a
minimum of $40.00
2.Give to your family: Prepare 3 formal three course meals, including the
menu, cooking and presenting, photographs of the meal and feedback from
your guests.
Physical activities and out doors:
1.Improve your swimming skills: Swim a total of 1000m non-stop
2.Compete in a sport for an entire season
Excellence in the Arts:
1.Visit an exhibition and review it.
2. Design your own challenge
Academic Excellence:
1.Improve your study skills: Research Rimu- where do you find it? Why is
it important to Māori? What uses does it have? Why is Rimu the best tree in
the school?
2.Improve your maths ability: Complete a random 10 x 10 grid in
under 2 min
Service in School and Community:
1. Improve your leadership skills: Act as a class leader
or school counsellor all
2.Care for younger children: Organise a
series of games or activities for
younger siblings or neighbours or teach them a dance or an instrument.
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