12 Years a Slave is a 2013 British-American historical drama film. It was directed by Steve McQueen and produced by Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Bill Pohlad, Steve McQueen, Aron Milchan, Anthony Katagas. This movie is based on a true story in the 1840
There was an African American man called Solomon Northup, he is a freeman working as a excellent carpenter and fiddle player, and he lives with his wife and two children in Saratoga Springs, New York. He is also an excellent violin player.
Scoot Mcnairy and Taran Killam two men offer him a two-week job as a musician, waking up in chains they had drugged northup, about to be sold into Slavery
Solomon got renamed "Platt" and shipped to New Orleans and is , the identity of a runaway slave from Georgia. He was beaten repeatedly.
Imagine picking up 200 pounds of cotton every day, or be beaten just like the slaves. A young female slave named Patsey daily picks over 500 pounds and is praised lavishly by Epps, who also repeatedly rapes her. Epps wife frequently attacks her and humiliates her.
This film is 134 minutes and just remember this is based on an extraordinary true story.
Link to film : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiw1cYXQw4g&safe=active
Link to film : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiw1cYXQw4g&safe=active
I assume that you have been copying and pasting of Wikipedia
ReplyDeleteActually I changed it in to my own words