Sunday, 23 November 2014

Life Ed

For each heading explain how well this aspect was done
  • what was done well
  • what wasn’t done well
  • what you would improve if you had more time

Sound quality: voice volumes, background noise, distracting sounds
Something we did well was, our groups voices were quit clear and able to be heard in each and every scene.
Something what wasn't done well was that in some scenes there were background noises which took away from the actors voices. 
If we had more time I think we would have improved our timing, in which we should have gone out when people weren't around so they wouldn't be as much background noises

Camera skill: steadiness of the camera, effects, angles, locations, lighting
Our group had did well in keeping the camera steady and not shaking it all over the place.
However in 1 of the scenes the lighting was dark and we were unable to see the actors clearly.
If we had more time we would have improved our locations and would have added more angles. 

Acting: robotic performance, realistic acting skills, script geniuses, speed of replies, facial expressions, looking at the camera, tone, FAKENESS
We did well in our acting, but in one scene I sounded like a robot and had a fake tone.
If we had more time I would have improved our acting skills and made more time to practise.

Editing: flow in the cut scenes, transitions, music effects
Our movie had a good flow from scene to scene, but it wasn't that good when we jumped from one place to another. If we had more time I would have added music effects for a more dramatic affect.

Poem: time, quality of the poem, scrolling speed, voiceover, poem is relevant to the movie content.
Our poem was great nothing bad about it and it was relevant to our movie. We also had voice over so you didn't have to read the whole thing.

Quality of the life education message in your movie (the Script): realism, was it a good message?

Teamwork: all team members were working equally, nobody excluded, everyone had a role, everyone had a choice, how your group solved problems

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