Monday 9 June 2014

Video check

0 - 3
0 = not done 3 = extremely well done

- Do I have a title slide?
- Do I have subtitles for the steps?
- How well does the voiceover timing match the photos?
- How well do the photos match the script?
- Are the photos well focused?
- Is the audio clear?

A strength was…
Our editing skills. Instead of using green screen we used instant alpha to make our backgrounds stand out and look like we where in social.

A problem we overcame was…
Not having to right photos to match with the audio but in the end we fixed it up so it all matched up.

Our best shot was this shot

because it had an awesome background and we edited it with instant alpha.

A piece of advice I would give to next year’s class making How to Videos is…
To finish your script as quick as possible because you need as much time on your video as you can.

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